ARMR | The Phases
An organization is only as good as the systems it uses to reach its goals. The same is true for any digital marketing agency whose primary goal is to increase website traffic and convert them into paying customers for their clients.
Kansas City's American Family Media uses a simple, yet effective system. ARMR (Acquire, Retain, Motivate, and Re-Engage) that has proven to help organizations generate more leads. Within the ARMR system, AFM's talents emerge and include effective PPC advertising, SEO copywriting services, video production, social media strategies, and website development and design.

The goal of the Acquire Phase is to increase your website's exposure and bring in new visitors. A person who is interested in a particular product or service may find your website through:
The most sure-fire way of increasing visitors to your website by guaranteeing your spot at or near the top of the major search engines. AFM can help you create a PPC campaign
A long-term strategy to increase your rankings in the non-paid results of a search engine, and a product of effective search engine optimization. Your ranking for each particular keyword is based on a number of factors, for which AFM can build a strategy to facilitate ranking growth.
A strategy through which not only can a prospective client find you, but YOU can find them. We may target specific people based on certain demographics and interests to whom we will show your ads, generating likes, clicks to your website, and conversions.
And remember, the Acquire Phase isn't necessarily about increasing the number of people to your website, but increasing the number of prospective clients to your website.

If you were a prospective client and landed on your website, would you be impressed? Would you immediately click the back button on your browser? Or would you be motivated to find out more, fill out a contact form, or even purchase something?
Your organization's website is one of its most important assets, and should be treated like it!
These three components all work together in retaining prospective clients and are integral to your website's, and therefore your organization's, success:
- Informative and Persuasive Articles
- Professional and Emotive Videos
- Modern Web Design and Easy Navigation
AFM employs some of Kansas City's best media talents with expertise in each of these areas. The better the content, the higher chance you have of moving them to the Motivate Phase.
You've now acquired more website visitors, and you've retained a high percentage of them on your website, all in an effort to motivate them to perform one of the following actions:
The number one goal of most organizations.
For organizations whose conversions are obtained through their contact form.
An effective way of receiving visitors' email addresses, which can then be used to re-engage with them through emails and newsletters.
A way for a person to connect with you on social media to receive updates on new products or upcoming events.
AFM uses various tools to track what is working, what is not working, and how we can continue to boost conversion rates.

Just because a website visitor didn't convert doesn't mean you didn't leave a lasting impression on them. And yes, that was indeed the elusive triple negative!
Whether they registered with your website, followed you on social media, or just made a mental note to check back in to your website, you may continue to communicate to through methods such as email marketing, social media and newsletters, all in an effort to move them back to the Motivate Phase to get them to convert OR to convert again.
By re-engaging with a website visitor, you may keep them updated on:
- new products
- special offers
- upcoming events
- any other exciting news
The ARMR process never ends and is continuously being improved upon. It is unique for each organization, and AFM can show you how we can apply it to your own unique strategies and goals.